What is a neuropathic pain?
Nerve pain is described by a number of terms: hot poker, burning, itching, lightening, tingling, shooting, feeling like an electric shock and many more. In medical terms, it is known as allodynia and hyperalgesia. The term Allodynia refers to the area that is oversensitive to normal non-painful (non-noxious) stimuli like when touching lightly. Hyperalgesia refers to the area that becomes oversensitive to painful stimuli feels like a pinprick. Both of these terms represent nerve pain.
Many things cause nerve pain. The most common recognizable cause of nerve pain is diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Another common cause of nerve pain is abnormal blood sugar levels; they cause killing pain in a stocking and glove distribution. Symptoms start persisting firstly at the foot and ankle region (stocking area) that become numb and tingling. As soon as neuropathy starts developing, the intensity of burning pain increases as well. Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is a common example of nerve pain that starts in the periphery– happen in the outer nerve branches. Other types of neuropathic pain happen at the center of the body, such as nerve pain involving pain syndromes like fibromyalgia syndrome.
Lyrica is a highly trusted medicine for any type of neuropathic pain so that you become free from the hot poker and torture experience. This medicine saves you from the shooting or burning pain feeling. If you did not take this medicine at initial days then this pain becomes chronic that is hard to bear. Lyrica is the highly trusted brand name of generic medicine Pregabalin. This drug is also name anti-convulsing or an anti-epileptic medicine. Use of this medication can alleviate the nerve or neuropathic pain– Pain that is the result of damage to or a trouble of nerves.
Pregabalin works by combing with the alpha 2 delta subunit of the voltage-gated calcium channels located in the brain and spinal cord. It acts by unsettling the calcium channel or reducing the calcium currents. This blockage of subunits of the voltage-gated channel decreases the calcium channels and thus reducing the levels of calcium. It is a structural derivative of inhibitory neurotransmitters GABA, it does not get attached directly to GABA or benzodiazepine receptors
Nerve pain happening because of diabetes: The maximum suggested a dose of Lyrica is 100 mg that needs to be taken via oral outré, thrice a day (300 mg in a day) with a huge amount of water. Initially, take Lyrica 50mg, three times a day. This dose can be increased by 300 mg in a day within one week time on the basis of your adjustability.
Patients dealing with the neuropathic pain of Postherpetic neuralgia: The suggested dose of Lyrica is 75 to 150mg, twice daily or 50 to 100 mg three times a day.
Persons dealing with Fibromyalgia need to take Lyrica are 300 to 450 mg per day. The initial suggested dose of Lyrica is 75 mg twice a day that can be increased to 150 mg twice daily within a week on basis of body suitability.
Persons who are facing nerve pain of spinal cord injury may take Lyrica 150-600 mg in one day. In starting the recommended dose of Lyrica is 75 mg twice a day. This dosing can be increased to it 150 mg twice a day within 1 week on the basis of body need.
The common side effects that a person may face after taking Lyrica are difficulty focused, thirsty mouth, constipation, drowsiness, dizziness, enlarged arms/legs, and weight upsurge. These side effects can be reduced by following some of the cautious measures: You need to avoid taking alcohol while taking this medicine as it may increase the side effects of this medicine. You need to avoid taking this medicine if you are sensitive to it as it may cause unwanted side effects.